My name is Yakshani Priya Surgoo and I am a self-taught artist and recently I decided to pursue my art full-time as a career and leave the corporate world, where I worked for almost sixteen years as a qualified accountant. During these years, since I worked full-time at my corporate job, I spent most of my free time, holidays, weekends, evenings and nights painting, drawing, learning and experimenting with different art mediums. Although I enjoyed my work in finance and my accounting studies, I’ve realized that my strongest passion is for creating and teaching art and helping other artists to improve their art skills.
I use various mediums to create art, such as acrylic paint, oil paint, colored pencil, graphite, inktense, watercolors, gouache paint, ink, markers, charcoal, soft pastels and oil pastels, to name a few. I also combine some of these mediums to create mixed media art and for art journaling. I enjoy painting and drawing animals, landscapes, flowers and still life.
Where do I find inspiration to create art? Well, inspiration is all around us. You could be inspired by anything, from observing nature, animals, objects around you and places you visit, books, movies, music and sometimes just watching your favorite artist create, gets you inspired to create.
I want to teach others and help them to reach their artistic goals, through content on my YouTube channel, my Patreon page, my Instagram, as well as through my website. I believe anyone can do anything if they put their minds to it and if they are willing to put in the time, to work on what they want. The same goes for creating art, if you want to improve your art skills, then you have to practice and keep creating art.
So, my aim is to help other artists reach their artistic goals, by improving their art skills and to make their art journey a little easier, through my own journey, experiences and discoveries.